Saturday, June 25, 2016

5 tips to boost employee engagement in summer months

5 Tips on How to Keep Production Up When Your Employees Are in the Summer Slump: When Dreamy Summer Days Become an Employee Engagement Nightmare

It’s hot. Every theater has released its mega blockbuster film. There’s a new feel to the air – the sounds of kids’ skateboards humming down sidewalks, buzz about the latest vacation plans, and the quiet of the office as people take their yearly leave.

At work, the adrenaline from setting yearly goals is starting to wear. And employees are hitting that mid-year summer slump.  It’s not just a feeling. It’s reality. The summer slump affects production, project turnaround time, absenteeism, and focus.

Many organizations chalk up the summer slump to being a necessary evil. They ride it out until fall hits and production surges.  But with these 5 tips, you might just keep your employees motivated and engaged during those lazy summer months.

1. Be Flexible: Camping trips, long weekends, morning swims with the kids … many employees are juggling kids and work. Find ways to work summer into work. Allow employees to come in late on a Monday or leave early on a Friday. Create a kid space in the meeting room for those whose babysitter has cancelled at the last minute. Summer can be a logistical nightmare. Work with your employees’ personal and professional needs.

2. Set Short-Term Goals: There’s a nagging summer feeling like nothing is getting done. By setting short-term goals, your employees can feel progress by working on immediate goals with measurable results. Have employees set their own summer goals (daily, weekly, monthly) to keep them motivated.

3. Make Play Part of Work to Give Your Employees Summer : With long summer daylight hours, make time for after-office hikes and excursions, or join a softball league.  Encourage employees to leave the office during the day for a picnic lunch. Set up picnic Thursdays at the park! Take an employee trip to the ice cream store. A local engineering firm in Gardnerville, Nevada connected with a local sporting goods store and offered employees free kayak rentals, hiking excursions, and backpacking gear rentals. Employees spend weekends and evenings in the outdoors, experiencing a great summer with their families, at virtually no extra cost to the employee.

4. Rewards, Incentives and Promotions: Traditionally, all the big events and promotions happen at the end of the year. Mid-year rewards and promotions and incentives can be just as effective. Consider conducting mid-year reviews, not as something to hold over employees’ heads but as an opportunity to adjust work and goals during the slower months. Have a strategic reward program for employees who meet goals. Express gratitude for work well done.

5. Gear Up to Learn and Motivate: Take advantage of the summer lull to start Tuesday afternoon trainings. Hire an intern – just graduated and eager to change the world and work hard. Make connections with the local college or business council to provide classes at a lower cost to employees. Have TED talks on in the board room for employees to go in and get motivated.
Summer is inevitable. The slump isn’t. Get employees engaged and motivated with these five simple tips to keep production and engagement up.

Have a great summer!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Five tips to celebrate men’shealth week new york city certified nutritionist personal trainer

Five Tips to Better Men’s Health: Celebrate National Men’s Health Week by Making Health, Fitness and Nutrition a Priority in the Lives of the Men We Love

June 13 – 19 we celebrate National Men’s Health Week, and I bet there’s someone in your life that you wish would take better care of his health. Heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death in men of all races, and though there are some factors out of our control – genetics, race, ethnicity – many of the health problems that ail men can be avoided.
With the spotlight on our favorite dads, grandpas, uncles, brothers, neighbors, teachers and sons this week, I am going to give you five simple tips to get the men in your life to lower their risk of Type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and some kinds of cancer. Ready to get healthier (and sexier)?

1. Get Your Zs. Lack of sleep doesn’t make us just crabby, but it is also related to long-term health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.  Poor sleeping habits are almost as bad as poor nutritional habits. Make getting a good night’s sleep a priority for the men in your life with these simple steps:

a. Don’t take long naps during the day. Keep them short, and to the point!
b. Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol close to bedtime. 
c. Don’t fill up right before bed. Eat a couple hours before you’re ready to sleep.
d. Keep work out of the bedroom. Avoid working on the computer, watching TV, or doing anything over-stimulating in the bedroom. Associate the bedroom with sleep.
e. Train your body to get ready to sleep. Like any exercise or nutrition regime, you can train your body to click into sleep mode with deep breathing exercises, stretching, a warm shower … find a routine and stick to it.

2. Drop 5 – 10% of Your Body Weight, Look Great, and Lower that Blood Pressure: Belly fat kills, increasing your risk of heart disease. Move, move, move.  Just by making movement a mindset, within a few weeks, your body will shed unnecessary pounds, build muscle, look sexier and be healthier. Make getting exercise, even if it’s just a little each day, a priority. And what better way to celebrate dads, uncles, grandpas and sons than finding ways to move together? Ride bikes, hike, take a walk after dinner, play ball at the park, take the stairs. This is time well spent both moving and sharing!

3. Sizzle With Zinc: Zinc is one of those often-forgotten power nutrients. Great for both men and women, Zinc has a particular function to keep men sizzling hot. It can make your skin look radiant, boost your immune system, and help maintain a healthy prostate, erectile function and fertility. Zinc is in! Spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, lentils, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, oats and more … are all rich in zinc. Find ways to incorporate Zinc into your diet.  

4. A Beautiful Smile Means Great Health: An Apple a Day … and Doctor/Dentist Each Year. Get your prostate checked. Know your blood pressure. Get your sugar levels checked and all the in-betweens to stay on top of your health. Smile! Keep your teeth healthy! Oral health is an indicator of your overall health.  Keep your pearly whites pearly white with these tooth-healthy summer snack ideas.

5. Lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke: “Don’t worry. Be happy.”  Yeah. Right. We live in a world of stress. New York City moves at super-sonic speed, and everybody wants something right now. During a surge of stress, our bodies release cortisol to help us manage our cave-man fight-or-flight reaction, boost our immune system, and get us ready for battle. Chronic stress, though, causes the body to flood with hormones and chemicals that never level out later. This can weaken your immune system over time. So, instead of completely avoiding stress (which is impossible), it’s impor

tant to learn your triggers and manage stress with exercise, meditation, moments where you can disconnect, getting the rest you need, and making your health and nutrition a priority.

Fitness, nutrition, great sleeping habits, prevention and finding ways to recognize stress triggers and deal with them are five ways to keep the men in our lives healthy. Wishing all the fathers, step fathers, uncles, cousins, brothers, grandfathers, teachers, coaches and all the men who make a difference in the lives of our children a happy, healthy Father’s Day.

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